We strengthen your leaders and your company.

Emily Chipman


Emily was the first North American woman invited to help certify other coaches in the top ranked executive coaching methodology, based on her coaching track record and mastery of the methodology.

She leverages her expertise as a master certified coach and experienced HR professional to help executives, leaders, and teams optimize their development, make work life more successful/less stressful, while delivering greater results to the business.

Emily brings two decades of experience as a change management practitioner, organization effectiveness analyst, leadership coach, and organization and leader development facilitator. She is particularly adept at getting pointed and relevant data needed for high impact action plans, supporting mindset shifts and management, and tracking business results.

Clients describe her as exceptional, focused on moving clients to action, candid but kind, engaging, and easy to work with. As one stated, “I knew from your bio that you both knew what you were doing, and you would also welcome me into the process without ego.”

Emily has a wide range of experience consulting and/or coaching leaders in a wide range of roles and industries, including:

  • Clients’ Roles | CEO, CHRO, CMO, Vice-President, Director, Manager, Politician, Entrepreneurs, Veterans/Specialized Military, High potential leaders

  • Clients’ Industries | Entertainment, Tech, Manufacturing, Education, Real Estate, Healthcare, E-Commerce/Fashion, Government, Non-Profit

Learning & Development Certifications

  • Crucial Conversations (Conflict Conversations)

  • Influencer (Change Management)

  • Smart Change (Change Management)

  • The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety (Diversity and Inclusion)

  • Strong Interest Inventory (Career Management)

Coaching Qualifications

  • Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) - 18 month training

  • Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coach (team and individual)

  • Certified Peter Bregman Leadership Coach

  • International Coaching Federation accredited (PCC)


Associate Partners

Mike McCartney

Mike has 40 years' experience as a leader and executive coach. He partners with successful organizations to support senior leaders and high achievers in becoming even more effective.

Mike is one of a select few who has earned the title of Master Coach in Marshall Goldsmith's Stakeholder Centered Coaching. He also helps certify new SCC Coaches.

He is also an executive coach with the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business, and has worked with clients ranging from C-Suite leaders in Fortune 500s to high achievers in family-owned companies.

Ris Higgins

Ris Higgins is an executive coach and innovative thought leader who has been working with leaders and their teams for more than 40 years.

Ris’s coaching focus is based on real life applications, not theory. She blends her coaching education with her personal experiences as a corporate leader, government manager, author, entrepreneur, and business owner.

Clients appreciate her transforming questions that help them capture insights, achieve breakthroughs, add value, and get results.

Joe Esparza

Since 1992, Joe has been coaching executives in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. He has strengths in helping leaders change behaviors to better connect, motivate, lead, and inspire their teams.

His clients appreciate his straight forward, no-nonsense style.

Joe focuses on real life application: achieving breakthroughs, getting results, and creating sustainable behavioral change in already successful leaders. Joe helps high achieving leaders create breakthroughs in personal and team performance.